Stand Together Network Domestic Violence

Complaint policy

Policy Statement

Stand Together Network is committed to providing an excellent service. Part of our charity’s visions and values is to “provide exemplary customer service, listening to our beneficiaries’ needs and continuously improve the customer experience”. Gaining timely feedback from beneficiaries’ is an important part of helping us to identify what we do well and where we need to improve to reach the levels of service to which we aspire. We, therefore, encourage all feedback from customers whether this is about their satisfaction with our service, suggestions for where we can improve or, where they wish to complain about the service they have received. Stand Together Network takes all complaints seriously and will deal with them promptly to fully investigate and resolve customers’ concerns and put things right when they go wrong. We will keep customers informed about the progress of their complaint and the outcome, and will use this experience to continually improve our service.  

The procedure below outlines how all our customers can help us improve our service  

To support our commitment to improving the quality of the services we deliver we have adopted a complaints policy.  

This policy covers important information about the procedures used to deal with complaints involving staff, external stakeholders, Stand Together Network clients including apprentices and employers. Complaints that relate to internal matters involving staff or contractors will be subject to Stand Together Network’s disciplinary, peal or grievance procedures.  

*The principles on which our complaints procedure is based are:  

-We will always seek an informal resolution of complaints where possible;  

Our procedure will be publicised and Stand Together Network will promote open access to it;  

-All staff will receive information on this procedure during induction; All staff and senior managers will adopt a solution-focused approach in response to justified complaints; seriously, and learn from them so that we can continuously improve our service.  

-All complaints will be subject to impartial review.  

-All members of the categories listed above are entitled to make complaints and to have their concerns dealt with fairly.  

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction or not happy with a particular service or training, whether justified or not. A complaint may be about the delay, lack of response, discourtesy, failure to consult or about the standard of service you have received. We also welcome your feedback. 

Dealings with complaints- initial concern:

Stand Together Network needs to be clear about the difference between a concern and a complaint. Taking informal concerns seriously at the earliest stage will reduce the numbers that develop into formal complaints. These key messages deal with complaints but the fundamental principle is that concerns have to be handled; if at all possible, without the need for formal procedures. The necessity to have a complaints procedure need not in any way undermine efforts to resolve the concern informally. Stand Together Network encourages their staff to resolve issues on the spot, including apologising where necessary. Stand Together Network is committed to providing a high quality, transparent and accessible service to everyone we deal with. In order to do this, we need you to tell us when we get things wrong. We want to help resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. We handle any expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for a response as a complaint. We listen to your complaints, treat them 

Our approach

Stand Together Network wants to provide the best possible service and positive experiences to all of our beneficiaries.  

We believe that complaints are a valuable source of feedback we must act upon, to help us make sure we meet the needs of all beneficiaries and the local community.  

We have devised a comprehensive Complaints Procedure to allow centre users to express their concerns and give all centre staff an opportunity to learn from complaints.  

It is essential that every member of staff follows the Complaints Policy when dealing with complaints. All beneficiaries are entitled to make complaints and to have their concerns dealt with fairly.  

We refer to these complaints as “service complaints”.  

Our policy covers complaints about:

  • the standard of service you should expect from us  
  • the behaviour of our staff in delivering that service  
  • any action, or lack of action, by our staff or others, engaged on Stand Together Network  
  • if you think we have done something wrong  
  • we have not done something that we said we would do  
  • you are not satisfied with a particular service or set of services that we provide  
  • Anyone who raises a complaint anonymously, or from third parties, except where the complainant has a learning difficulty/disability.  
  • Any beneficiary who has broken the terms of the Beneficiary Code of Conduct.  
  • Any beneficiary making a formal complaint, without first raising an informal one with their Tutor or Curriculum Manager  

We don’t accept the complaint because of the following reasons

  • comments about our policies or policy decisions  
  • dissatisfaction or complaints expressed with our policies or decisions about individual cases, funding, or requests for legal advice and assistance  
  • matters that have already been fully investigated through this complaint’s procedure  

We refer to these types of comments or complaints as ’non-service complaints’.  

Stand Together Network reserves the right not to consider complaints judged by Head of Quality Assurance manager and Improvement to be without any grounds for investigation.

We accept complaints from:

  • Current beneficiary  
  • Prospective beneficiary  
  • The beneficiary who finished their course up to 4 weeks prior to the complaint  
  • Parents  
  • Clients  
  • Employers  
  • others  

How to complain to us

If you wish to make a complaint, you can do so by email or post or call us.  

If you are disabled and need a reasonable adjustment to ensure you can register your complaint, you can contact us alternatively by:  

  • telephone (one of our officers will help you by writing out your complaint)  
  • asking a member of staff to help you in writing out your complaint  

Our contact details are in the Contacting Us section below. If you require different adjustments, let us know and we will try and put those arrangements in place where we can.  


We understand that it might be difficult for you to complain because you are worried that your complaint could result in poorer service.  Please be assured that we treat all complaints in the strictest confidence and that it is your right to complain.   

If you do not provide us with a contact name or address, it will not be possible for us to get back to you with the outcome of the investigation   

Third-Party Reporting

Complainants may wish to have a third-party act on their behalf. A third party is any person or organisation acting on behalf of or making enquiries for the complainant. For example, third parties may include:  

  • advice organisations  
  • professionals such as social workers, community psychiatric nurses, doctors or solicitors  
  • family members or friends  

Where a third party is helping a complainant with a particular complaint, we need written consent to that effect. Where we have this authority, we will endeavour to take all possible steps to keep the third party informed of progress on the complaint.  

We do not need written consent if an MP or elected Councillor is helping a constituent with a complaint, and we can disclose information to them in response to their enquiries.  

Also, some lawyers and attorneys are legally empowered in certain circumstances to act on behalf of a complainant, and consent to disclose information is not required.  

Our standards for handling complaints

We can receive complaints by email or by letter. We treat all complaints seriously.  

  • You can expect to be treated with courtesy, respect and fairness at all times. We expect that you will also treat our staff dealing with your complaint with the same courtesy, respect and fairness.  
  • We will treat your complaint in confidence within the Stand Together Network.  
  • We will deal with your service complaint promptly. We will acknowledge receipt of a written complaint within five working days where we have a return address and you can expect to have a full reply within 10 working days.  
  • If your complaint is sent by post then you must enclose a return address for a response. You will not receive a response to your complaint if you do not enclose a return address.  
  • We will not treat you less favourably than anyone else because of your:  
  • sex or legal marital or same-sex partnership status: this includes family status, responsibility for dependants, and gender (including gender reassignment, whether proposed, commenced or completed)  
  • sexual orientation  
  • colour or race: this includes ethnic or national origin or nationality  
  • disability  
  • religious or political beliefs, or trade union affiliation  
  • any other unjustifiable factors, for example, language difficulties, age, pregnancy and maternity.  

If you are not satisfied with the results of the review, you can complain to the Charity Commission.  


All Complaints records are confidential and it is dealt with confidentially and in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, subject to the need to disclose information as required by statutory authorities, and/or as a result of statutory, legal or parliamentary obligations placed on Stand Together Network.  

However, some complaints are open to the Principalship and the Quality Assurance manager and Improvement to help them understand beneficiaries’ concerns as soon as they arise (this for our courses quality assurance).  

Framework principles:  

Effective steps for complaints Procedure will:  

  1. encourage resolution of problems formal channel wherever possible; 
  2. be easily accessible and publicised; 
  3. be simple to understand and use; 
  4. be unbiased; 
  5. allow considerable handling time for action and keeping people informed of the progress; 
  6. ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person where necessary; 
  7. respect people’s desire for confidentiality;
  8. addressing all points of issues and provide an effective response and appropriate remedy, where necessary; 
  9. Provide information to the charity’s senior management team so that services can be improved.  

Dealing with the complaints-formal procedure:

The official procedures will need to be invoked when initial attempts to resolve the issue are unsuccessful and the person raising the concern remains unhappy and wishes to take the matter further. Stand Together Network had nominated a member of staff (Sue Halawa) to take the responsibility for the operation and management of the charity’s complaints procedure. 

Informal Complaints

Complaints must be raised informally in the first instance. The complainant should raise their concerns with the Tutor, Curriculum Manager, or Head of organisation for their subject area. 

Making an Informal Complaint

You must raise your complaint informally before making a formal complaint. This will help the centre to act quickly at a local level to address your concerns. If you are a beneficiary(s) you should make an appointment to see your Tutor or centre ManagerThe staff member you discuss your concerns with will make every effort to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and keep you fully informed about the actions they are taking. 

Informal Procedure

  1. Where a candidate wishes to make an appeal against the quality of provision at the centre, he/she should first of all attempt to resolve the matter by a direct approach to the Centre 
  2. If the matter remains unresolved the candidate may require a personal interview with the Centre 
  3. Before the personal interview, the Centre Manager should have obtained an independent second opinion on the initial 
  4. If, after any action to resolve the dispute taken by the Centre Manager, the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, the compliant may use the formal  

Formal Complaints

If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the complainant may make a formal complaint.  

Making a Formal Complaint  

If you are not satisfied with the centre’s response to your informal complaint, you should complete a centre complaint form. Once you have posted the complaint form it will be read by the centre manager and Improvement Service, who will send you an acknowledgement within 3 working days of receiving your complaint. The centre manager for your subject area will carry out an investigation, and send you a full response within 10 working days of receiving your complaint.  

Formal Procedure

Once the informal procedure has been exhausted, of if it is inappropriate to the circumstances, the formal procedure is to be followed  

  1. The complainant will be required to submit a formal complaint in writing to the Centre Manager.  
  2. Within 10 working days of receiving the written appeal, the decision of the Centre Manager should be communicated to the student/trainee.  
  3. Decisions by the Centre Manager regarding the quality of teaching provision are  
  4. If the complainant disagrees with the result of the formal Appeals procedure regarding assessment decisions, they may utilise the Awarding Organisations formal Appeals procedure for which they must be supported by the centre. For details of the Awarding Organisation Appeals Procedure, please refer to the relevant Awarding Organisation  

The Next Step

If you are not satisfied with the response, you have received you have the right to request a review. You should request a review of your complaint in writing to the Quality Assurance manager and Improvement within 10 working days of receiving your letter. The centre will only carry out a review for one of the following reasons:  

  • New evidence has come to light that was not previously available  
  • You consider the centre’s response to your complaint to be insufficient  
  • The complaints procedure was not followed  

Investigating the complaint:  

The person investigating the complaint (the complaints manager), makes sure that they: 

  1. Grasp what has happened so far, and who has been involved; 
  2. clarify the nature of the complaint and what remains unresolved;
  3. meet with the complainant or contact them (if unsure or further information is necessary); 
  4. clarify what the complainant feels would put things right; 
  5. interview those involved in the matter and/or those complained of, allowing them to be accompanied if they wish; 
  6. Conduct the interview with an open mind and be prepared to persist in the questioning; keep notes of the interview.  


Details of all complaints together with outcome letters where applicable will be stored.  

Complaints are discussed during the management meetings in order to improve our services.  

Service complaints procedure

We have two-stage service complaints handling procedure, explained above. At each stage it will help us to resolve your complaint quickly if you can give us as much clarity and detail as possible, including providing any documents and correspondence and stating that you are making a complaint. If we do not have all the details required to deal with the complaint, we may contact you and ask you for further information.  

Stage 1  

This is the first opportunity for us to resolve your dissatisfaction. We expect the majority of complaints to be resolved at this stage. On receipt of your complaint, we will contact a senior member of staff from the most appropriate department and ask them to respond to your complaint. This includes any service complaints about our former services where we still retain relevant information.  

Stage 2  

If you are dissatisfied with the response at stage 1, you may request a review.  This will be carried out by the CEO and board of trustees. Your request together with all subsequent correspondence relating to it should be sent to our Complaints Department, who will forward your request to the charity’s trustees to be reviewed.  


Stage 1  

We will respond, acknowledging receipt of your complaint within 5 working days (if sent by email), or within 10 working days (if sent by post) of receiving it. We have twenty-eight days to consider your complaint. If we have not resolved it within this time you may complain to our CEO  


If you make a complaint in-person to a member of our staff (at an event or meeting), we will record your complaint in writing within 3 working days, and acknowledge it within 5 working days thereafter. We will then deal with your complaint in accordance with our policy for written complaints.  

Stage 2  

We will respond, acknowledging receipt of your complaint within 5 working days (if sent by email), or within 10 working days (if sent by post) of receiving it.  

Extending time limits  

We aim to complete our investigation into all complaints received about our service within the timescales set out above. However, in a limited number of cases – for example, if a complaint is very complex or requires further breakdown, it may be necessary to extend the time limit to ensure we have all the information necessary to deal with it. If this is the case we will keep you informed of progress with the investigation, the reasons for the delay, and inform you of the next steps.  


When we get things wrong we will act to:  

  • accept responsibility and apologise  
  • explain what went wrong and why, and  
  • put things right by making any changes required  
  • learn lessons from mistakes and change policies and practices where proportionate and sensible to do so  

The action we take to put matters right (i.e. redress) in response to a service complaint can include any combination of the remedies set out in the list below. The general principle we follow is that complainants should, so far as possible, be put in the position they would have been in, had things not gone wrong.  

The remedy applied needs to be proportionate and appropriate to the failure in service, and take into account what redress people seek when they complain. An apology is generally the most appropriate action, but other action may also be necessary for some circumstances.  

List of remedies  

  • A full apology, explaining what happened and/or what went wrong. ( an apology is not an acceptance of liability under Section 2 of the Compensation Act 2006)  
  • Remedial action, which may include reviewing or changing a decision on the service given to an individual complainant  
  • Provide the service required in the first instance (immediately, if appropriate)  
  • Putting things right (for example a change of procedure to prevent future difficulties of a similar kind, either for the complainant or others)  
  • Training or supervising staff; or a combination of both  
  • Financial compensation  


In the majority of cases, remedies other than financial compensation will satisfy the complainant. Financial compensation is a final option, and will only apply in cases where the loss or suffering is considered to warrant such a payment i.e. in cases of actual direct or indirect financial loss.  

In circumstances where it is decided that our action or lack of action has resulted in maladministration, if the complainant has suffered direct or indirect financial loss, compensation may be payable.  

Where it is decided, following investigation of a complaint, that a complainant has suffered injustice and or hardship resulting in direct or indirect financial loss due to maladministration, we will determine whether compensation is an appropriate remedy by looking at all the evidence, including how much the complainant can demonstrate they have lost, or what extra costs they have incurred as a result of our maladministration.  

The reason for our decision will be recorded by the decision-maker and included in our response.  

Vexatious and repetitive complaints, and unreasonable or abusive behaviour

All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with this policy. However, unreasonable or abusive complaint behaviour does happen from time to time, and vexatious and repetitive complaints are an increasing problem for organisations. Difficulties in handling such situations can place strain on time and resources and can be stressful for staff who have to deal with these complex and challenging issues.  

The Parliamentary and Health Service Commissioner defines unreasonably persistent complainants as “those who, because of the frequency or nature of their contact with an authority, hinder the authority’s consideration of their or other people’s, complaints”.  

We have a policy that sets out how we will respond to these situations.  

Recording complaints

Complaint details, outcomes and actions taken are recorded by us and used for service improvement. We record all complaints we receive and collate data from them to help us understand what types of problems are most prevalent, and how well we are doing to resolve them.  

We value your feedback and expect to use it to help us to: 

  • get things right in the future if we have not done so already  
  • become more customer-focused  
  • be more open and accountable  
  • act fairly and proportionately  
  • seek continuous improvement  

We will handle your information so that it is only processed and retained appropriately and legally, in line with data protection legislation.  

All complaints and requests for review under our complaints procedure should be sent as follows:  

Contacts Details:

By post:  

Stand Together Network  

311 Fore Street  


N9 0PZ  

Telephone: 07507614843  


If you are unable to contact us in writing as above and require a reasonable adjustment because you are a disabled person, you may contact us as follows:  

Telephone: 02088870155  

Reasonable adjustments and alternative formats

Stand Together Network is committed to equal opportunities and our aim is to make our complaints policy easy to use and accessible to all of our customers. We will take reasonable steps to accommodate any reasonable adjustments you may have to enable you to access this policy or receive responses to complaints in other formats and provide such assistance as you may reasonably require.  

If you would like the policy or a response to a complaint in another format (such as Braille, audio CD, BSL video, large print or Easy Read) please contact.  

Comments and non-service complaints

Quality of service is an important measure for us of our effectiveness. Learning from complaints, including non-service complaints (complaints not covered by this policy), is a powerful way of helping continuous improvement at Stand Together Network and enable us to better deliver to our values and standards. All non-service complaints will be looked at by a responsible manager from the appropriate team, and a response, if required, sent to you directly within 28 working days where possible. Non-service complaints should be sent to the Complaints Department.  

As well as learning from your complaints we are also interested in ideas you may have on how we might do things better. We would also like you to tell us when we do things well.  

Your comments will be passed on to the relevant team and we will use them to help improve our service and the way we do things. You can make your comments by contacting any members of our staff, or you can e-mail the  

Addendum to the Complaints Policy and Procedure:  

Vexatious Complaints, Unreasonable and Abusive Behaviour Policy  

This policy is integrated with other existing Stand Together Network policies. It does not address issues of health and safety directly, which are dealt with elsewhere.  

This policy deals with service complaints that Stand Together Network staff consider vexatious or repetitive, and behaviour which we deem as unreasonable. It has been developed taking into account the Information Commissioner’s (ICO) guidance under the Freedom of information Act 2000.  

Some complaints may relate to our final decisions on matters such as:  

  • Providing courses, training or advice and guidance  
  • Workshops and CPD Bookings – Including Remote Examinations  
  • Privacy and Data Protection  

There are separate Stand Together Network procedures addressing such matters. Where those procedures have been exhausted, any subsequent complaints which are deemed to be vexatious or repetitive will also be dealt with in accordance with this policy.  

  1. Vexatious or repetitive complaints  

We sometimes receive complaints which can be deemed ‘vexatious’ or ‘repetitive’. Some of these complaints can be costly to handle, or responding to them may be a disproportionate use of our staff’s time.  

Deciding whether a complaint is vexatious requires us in each case to take into account the context and history of the complaint. We will consider whether the complaint is likely to cause unjustified distress, disruption or irritation. In particular, we will consider the following issues:  

  • Could the complaint fairly be seen as obsessive?  
  • Is the complaint harassing or causing distress to staff?  
  • Does the complaint appear to be designed to cause disruption or annoyance?  
  • Does the complaint lack any serious purpose or value?  

The concern we will address is whether a complaint is vexatious in terms of the effect of the request on us and not whether the applicant is personally vexatious.  

By its ordinary meaning, the term ‘vexatious’ refers to activity that “is likely to cause distress or irritation, literally to vex a person to whom it is directed”.  

For a complaint to be vexatious, we will consider whether there is a proper or justified cause for it. We will not only examine the complaint itself, but also its context and history. That context may include other complaints made by the applicant to us (whether complied with or refused), the number and subject matter of the complaints, as well as the history of other dealings between the complainant and ourselves. The effect a complaint will have may be determined as much, or indeed more, by that context as by the complaint itself.  

We will take into consideration the following factors (which are not an exhaustive list) when determining whether a complaint is vexatious:  

  • where the complaint requests information that has already been provided  
  • where the nature and extent of the complainant’s correspondence with us suggests an obsessive approach to disclosure  
  • where the tone adopted in correspondence by the complainant is confrontational and/or haranguing and demonstrates that the purpose is to argue and not really to obtain information  
  • where the correspondence could reasonably be expected to have a negative effect on the health and well-being of our staff  
  • where the complaint, viewed as a whole, appears to be intended simply to re-open issues that have been disputed several times before, and is, in effect, the pursuit of a complaint by alternative means.  
  • where responding to the complaint would likely entail substantial and disproportionate financial and administrative burdens for us  
  • where it is not a one-off complaint, but a case of the same complaints having been made repeatedly, or where on repetition, the particulars of the complaints have been varied making it difficult to know exactly what the complainant is seeking and making it less likely that the request can be satisfied  

No single one of the above factors would lead to a finding, by itself, that a complaint was vexatious. However, based on the strength of the various factors, taken together with the history and context of a complaint, a complaint may be deemed vexatious by the Stand Together Network.  

It is important of course that all complaints from a single source should not be deemed vexatious just because some may have been so previously. This is particularly the case if, on the face of it, the complaint seems to be specific, stand-alone and straightforward. However, it is entirely appropriate and necessary, when considering whether a complaint is vexatious, to view that complaint in context – if, say, the complaint is part of a wider grievance against Stand Together Network and is, for example, inextricably linked to an individual’s quest to hold Stand Together Network to account for perceived shortcomings.  

Complaints can sometimes become a vehicle for individuals to try to reopen previous issues. Although we recognise that people are not always satisfied with the responses they receive, the raising of complaints is not a panacea for problems that have not been resolved through other channels. Continued complaints after the underlying complaint has been addressed, go beyond the reasonable pursuit of resolution.  

Unreasonable Behaviour

Stand Together Network under stands that people may act out of character in times of distress or due to frustration. We do not view behaviour as unreasonable just because a complainant is forceful or determined. Stand Together Network staff make reasonable allowances for complainants’ behaviour.  

However, sometimes the situation between a complaint and Stand Together Network staff can escalate and the behaviour of the complainant becomes unacceptable, for example becoming abusive, aggressive or threatening. Such abusive, aggressive, threatening or vexatious complaints are in the very small minority but we sometimes find ourselves in the position where we need to restrict or bring to end communication and access to our premises or staff.  

Our staff have the right to undertake their work free from abuse, threats and harassment, or vexatious and repetitive complaints. We expect our staff to be treated with courtesy and respect. Stand Together Network has a duty to protect the welfare and safety of staff and considers that violence, threats or abuse towards staff is unacceptable. Staff are also expected to treat complainants with courtesy, respect and fairness.  

Complainants who harass, or have been abusive, aggressive or threatening on one or more occasions towards our staff – or their families or associates – directly or indirectly, will be considered unreasonable.  

Any threats or acts of violence will cause direct contact with the complainant to be discontinued. Violence includes behaviour or language (written, oral, or in tone or otherwise) that may cause staff to feel afraid, threatened or abused. Examples of unacceptable behaviour include but not exclusively threats, verbal abuse, derogatory remarks, rudeness, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, disablist or other harassment based on a personal characteristic or obscene remarks, repeatedly demanding disciplinary action be taken against staff, and where complainants are known to have recorded meetings or telephone conversations without consent.  

We also consider that inflammatory statements and unsubstantiated allegations can amount to abusive behaviour.  

Furthermore, Stand Together Network staff will bring to an end phone call if the caller is considered aggressive, abusive or threatening. The complainant will first be told that we consider their language offensive or their behaviour unacceptable, and will be asked to stop using such language or behaviour.  

If an officer considers behaviour to be unreasonable, they are advised in the first instance to refer it to their manager who may seek advice and guidance before determining future contact with the complainant, be that by telephone, in person, or electronically.  

Where complaints are deemed vexatious, the complainant will be notified in writing that no further correspondence will be entered into on the matter in question. Stand Together Network will initially keep one form of contact open so that there is not a ‘blanket ban’ on contact for any individual.  

Where unreasonable or abusive behaviour is determined, the complainant will be notified in writing that no further contact will be undertaken, and this will apply to all Stand Together Network contacts. A copy of this policy will be included and, if and where appropriate, a no-contact period specified. If further contact is necessary, the complainant will be informed that it will be made through our Director or a member of staff. A decision to restrict contact will be reconsidered if the complainant subsequently demonstrates more reasonable behaviour.  

If you disagree with a decision made by Stand Together Network to regard your behaviour as unreasonable, you can challenge it. Please refer to our Complaints Policy.  

All incidents of harassment or aggression will be documented and referred to senior staff. Inappropriate circumstances these matters may be referred to the police and Stand Together Network may consider taking appropriate legal action against the complainant, if necessary, without prior warning.  

Appeals Policy and Procedure

The Appeals policy is designed to protect the interests of all candidates and also to protect the integrity of the qualification.  

Candidates have the right to appeal in the event that they are dissatisfied with the following:  

  • The assessment decisions made by Stand Together Network (The Learning Academy), where applicable  
  • The assessment decisions made by the Awarding Organisation  
  • The decision by Company Name not to support an enquiry or appeal to the Awarding Organisation  

A copy of the appeals procedure is available to all candidates.  

There is an informal and formal procedure available. The formal procedure is only to be followed if the informal procedure has failed or is inappropriate for the circumstances. All appeals must be via the formal procedures of the Awarding Organisation and supported by the Centre Manager.  

Every attempt will be made to resolve disputes as near as possible to the point of origin Stand Together Network (The Learning Academy) will keep appeals records for inspection by the Awarding Organisation  

for a minimum of 18 months.  

Informal Procedure  

  1. Where a candidate wishes to make an appeal against the quality of provision at the centre he/she should first of all attempt to resolve the matter by a direct approach to the Centre Manager. 
  2. If the matter remains unresolved the candidate may require a personal interview with the Centre Manager.  
  3. Before the personal interview, the Centre Manager should have obtained an independent second opinion on the initial decision.  
  4. If, after any action to resolve the dispute taken by the Centre Manager, the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, the complainant may use the formal procedure.  

Formal Procedure  

Once the informal procedure has been exhausted, or if it is inappropriate to the circumstances, the formal procedure is to be followed.  

  1. The complainant will be required to submit a formal complaint in writing to the Centre Manager.  
  2. Within 10 working days of receiving the written appeal, the decision of the Centre Manager should be communicated to the student/trainee.  
  3. Decisions by the Centre Manager regarding the quality of teaching provision are final.  
  4. If the complainant disagrees with the result of the formal Appeals procedure regarding assessment decisions, they may utilise the Awarding Organisations formal Appeals procedure for which they must be supported by the centre. For details of the Awarding Organisation Appeals Procedure, please refer to the relevant Awarding Organisation website.  

Further Appeals  

Any learner wishing to appeal against the operation of the Appeals Procedure can do so in writing to the Centre Manager.